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The Eudo Podcast

Nov 27, 2018

Courtney and Paul discuss the dominant view of humanity in a disenchanted age, and explore the transhumanist movement as an exercise in Christian wisdom.

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Nov 5, 2018

In this episode, Paul and Courtney unpack the Platonic-Aristotelian-Christian model of perceiving the cosmos and argue for a more enchanted way of seeing the world.

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Nov 5, 2018

In this episode, Paul and Courtney discuss the now dominant disenchanted way of perceiving the cosmos. Paul introduces the neo-Humean model and its philosophical underpinnings, including scientism, materialism, reductionism, atheism, and nihilism.

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Nov 5, 2018

Paul and Courtney discuss some of the most entrenched and pervasive idols of a disenchanted age. Chief among them--the idols of sex and technology.

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